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General Situation:
Negara Brunei Darussalam is currently in the Inter-Monsoon season. During the Inter-Monsoon season, thundershowers are active in the afternoon and at night.

Active weather condition is expected over Brunei Darussalam until the end of this month due to the low pressure system located to the West of Borneo island.

Brunei Darussalam Weather Situation:
Heavy thundershowers are expected to frequently occur by late afternoon until late at night, propagating from inland moving out to coastal and sea areas. This situation is expected until end of this month.

Strong wind of speed up to 50 km/h can also be expected during or near thundershowers.

Meanwhile, wave height over Brunei waters is in Moderate...

Keadaan Secara Am:
Negara Brunei Darussalam pada masa ini adalah dalam Musim Peralihan. Semasa Musim Peralihan, cuaca hujan berpetir pada biasanya aktif berlaku pada waktu petang dan malam.

Keadaan cuaca yang aktif dijangka berlaku di Negara kita sehingga hujung bulan ini disebabkan oleh pengaruh sistem tekanan rendah yang terletak di kawasan Barat pulau Borneo.

Keadaan Cuaca Brunei Darussalam:
Hujan lebat dan berpetir, dijangka kerap berlaku pada lewat petang hingga lewat malam bermula dari kawasan pedalaman negara merebak ke kawasan pesisiran dan kawasan laut. Keadaan ini dijangka berterusan sehingga hujung bulan November ini.

Hujan lebat dan berpetir dijangka kadang kala disertai dengan angin kencang dengan kelajuan sehingga...

General Situation:
The development of cyclonic system remains active over the Western Part of Pacific Ocean and South China Sea areas.
As of 8.00 am local time today, Tropical Storm ‘Etau’ was observed at 12.9°N 113.4°E, Northern South China Sea, at 888 km away from Brunei Darussalam. Tropical Storm ‘Etau’ is expected to continue moving west-wards, further away from our country.

Brunei Darussalam Weather Situation:
Weather condition over Brunei Darussalam will be indirectly influenced by Tropical Storm ‘Etau’, until Wednesday, 11 November 2020. Thundershowers with occasionally gusty wind are expected to occur, mostly at sea, and spread to land areas at times. Wind speed may reach up to 45 km/h near thundershowers.


Keadaan Secara Am:
Pada masa ini, pembentukan sistem siklon masih aktif di kawasan Barat Lautan Pasifik dan Laut Cina Selatan.
Pada pukul 8.00 pagi waktu tempatan hari ini, Ribut Tropika ‘Etau’ berada di lokasi 12.9°N 113.4°E, di kawasan Utara Laut Cina Selatan, iaitu sekitar 888 km jauh dari Negara Brunei Darussalam. Ribut Tropika ‘Etau’ diramal akan bergerak ke arah Barat, menjauhi Negara kita.

Keadaan Cuaca Brunei Darussalam:
Secara tidak langsung cuaca Negara Brunei Darussalam juga akan dipengaruhi oleh Ribut Tropika ‘Etau’, sehingga hari Rabu, 11 November 2020. Hujan kadang kala berangin dan berpetir dijangka berlaku terutama di kawasan perairan negara dan sekali sekala merebak ke kawasan darat. Kelajuan angin boleh mencapai...

General Situation:
Currently the development of cyclonic system remains active over the Western Part of Pacific Ocean and South China Sea areas.
As of 11.00 am local time today, Super Typhoon ‘Goni’ was observed at 15.3°N 128.8°E, Western Pacific Ocean, at 1,880 km away from Brunei Darussalam. Super Typhoon ‘Goni’ is expected to continue moving west-wards, further away from our country.

Meanwhile, a Tropical Depression ‘Atsani’ was observed at Western Pacific Ocean (14.9°N 137.6°E), at approximately 2,694 km away from Brunei Darussalam. The Tropical Depression is expected to continue moving Northwest-wards, towards Philippines.

Brunei Darussalam Weather Situation:
Weather condition over Brunei Darussalam in the next few...