Brunei Darussalam is now in the first month of Southwest Monsoon which normally would be expected to have stable atmospheric conditions with minimal thundershowers occurrences. Southwest Monsoon typically last up until September. During the peak of the monsoon period which is around August, the country usually experiences hazy conditions due to the generally dry weather across the Southeast Asian region.
Monitoring of Tropical Storm
A low pressure system which developed into a Tropical Storm now known as NURI was observed today as of 2.00 pm local time. Tropical Storm NURI was observed approximately at 19.6°N 115.0°E, South-Southeast of Hong Kong, approximately at a distance of 1600 km away from Brunei Darussalam and expected to move North-Northwestwards....
Jabatan Kajicuaca Brunei Darussalam (BDMD) ingin mengongsikan dengan orang ramai mengenai satu fenomena cuaca yang dikenali sebagai Iridescence, diperhatikan pada hari Khamis,
4 Jun 2020 sekitar jam 6.00 petang di kawasan Rimba, Gadong.
Iridescence adalah warna-warna yang muncul pada awan, ada kalanya warna-warna ini bercampur dan kadangkalanya terjadi dalam bentuk jalur hampir selari dengan batas awan. Warna hijau dan merah jambu pastel paling kerap dilihat. Warna warni atau iridisen yang sering kalinya cerah, menyerupai warna yang terdapat pada ibu mutiara (mother of pearl). Dalam jarak sekitar 10° dari matahari, belauan (diffraction) adalah penyebab utama fenomena cuaca Iridescence ini. Jika ia melebihi 10°, gangguan (interference) biasanya merupakan faktor...
The Brunei Darussalam Meteorological Department (BDMD) would like to share with the public regarding the weather phenomenon known as Iridescence. It was briefly observed last Thursday, 4th June 2020 at Rimba, Gadong area around 6.00 pm.
Iridescence are the colours appearing on clouds, sometimes mingled and sometimes in the form of bands nearly parallel to the margin of the clouds. Green and pink occur most often, and in pastel shades. The iridescent colours are often brilliant, and resemble the colours observed on mother of pearl. Within about 10° from the Sun, diffraction is the main cause of iridescence. Beyond about 10°, however, interference is usually the predominant factor. Iridescence can extend to angles exceeding 40° from the Sun, and even at this angular...
Our country is transitioning from Inter-monsoon to Southwest Monsoon which is expected to start next week. The general light wind, blowing from various directions will shift to Southwest direction.
Atmospheric conditions tend to be quite stable with minimal thundershowers occurrences as compared to the intermonsoon period during the past 2 months. Southwest Monsoon typically last up until September. During the peak of the monsoon period which is around August, the country usually experiences hazy conditions due to the generally dry weather across the Southeast Asian region.
Southwest Monsoon also coincides with the season of active development of cyclonic systems, such as tropical storms and typhoons,
over the Northwest Pacific Ocean and South China...
Negara kita akan beralih dari Musim Peralihan ke Musim Barat Daya dan dijangkakan bermula pada minggu depan.
Keadaan angin yang secara amnya perlahan dan bertiup dari berbagai arah akan mula bertukar bertiup dari arah Barat Daya.
Pada Musim Barat Daya, keadaan atmosfera pada kebiasaannya adalah agak stabil dan aktiviti kejadian ribut petir menjadi berkurangan jika dibandingkan semasaMonsun Peralihan pada 2 bulan yang lalu. Musim Barat Daya biasanya akan berterusan sehingga bulan September. Semasa kemuncak musim ini iaitu sekitar bulan Ogos, Negara kebiasaannya akan mengalami keadaan berjerebu disebabkan oleh cuaca kering di rantau Asia Tenggara.
Musim Barat Daya juga adalah selari dengan musim aktif pembentukan sistem siklon seperti ribut tropika dan...