Press Release

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Brunei Darussalam is currently in the inter-monsoon season in which the country normally experience hot day and variable light winds in the morning and active development of thunderstorm clouds in the afternoon. Typically, thunderstorms mostly occur over inland areas during the evening and propagate out to the coastal and sea areas during late night to early morning. The inter-monsoon season is expected to last until end of May or early June.

General Situation
As of 11.00 am local time today, a Tropical Depression was observed at 10.3°N 128.7°E, Southeast of the Philippines, approximately at a distance of 1700 km, and expected to move northwards, away from Brunei Darussalam. The Tropical Depression will not affect the weather situation over our country.

Brunei Darussalam has entered the inter-monsoon period and is expected to last until the end of May or early June.
The inter-monsoon period is a transitional period from the Northeast Monsoon to the Southwest Monsoon. During this
period, the absence of prevailing monsoonal wind flow has allowed diurnal wind effects to play an important role in
governing our daily weather. Based on our climatological records, the frequency of thunderstorms occurrences is high
during the inter-monsoon period with an average rain days for April is 17 days and May is 18 days.

Throughout this period, the country normally experiences:

1. Weather can be hot during the daytime;
2. Variable light winds during the morning and active development of...

Negara Brunei Darussalam telah memasuki tempoh peralihan monsun dan dijangka berterusan sehingga hujung bulan
Mei atau awal bulan Jun. Tempoh ini adalah tempoh peralihan dari Monsun Timur Laut ke Monsun Barat Daya.
Sepanjang tempoh ini, ketiadaan luruan angin monsun telah membolehkan kesan angin tempatan untuk memainkan
peranan yang penting dalam mempengaruhi cuaca harian kita. Berdasarkan rekod klimatologi, kekerapan kejadian
ribut petir adalah tinggi semasa tempoh peralihan monsun ini dengan purata hari-hari yang berhujan bagi bulan April
ialah 17 hari dan bagi bulan Mei ialah 18 hari.

Sepanjang tempoh ini negara lazimnya mengalami:

1. Keadaan cuaca cenderung panas pada waktu siang;
2. Tiupan angin dari pelbagai...

Brunei Darussalam is still in the second phase of the Northeast Monsoon period which is expected to last until end of March 2020. Based on the climatology of Brunei Darussalam, the month of March has the lowest number of rainy days and amount of recorded rainfall as compared to the other months of the year.

During this period, our country would normally experience hot and dry weather conditions whereby lesser rainfall activities are expected due to stable atmospheric conditions. However, heavy showers or thundershowers can still potentially occur due to temporary low-level atmospheric disturbance. This condition will enhance the development of convective clouds and rainfall.

General forecast for the country until end of this week will be generally cloudy....

Negara Brunei Darussalam pada masa ini masih berada dalam fasa kedua Monsun Timur Laut yang dijangka berterusan hingga hujung bulan Mac 2020. Berdasarkan klimatologi Negara Brunei Darussalam, bulan Mac mempunyai bilangan hari-hari berhujan dan juga jumlah turunan hujan yang terendah berbanding bulan-bulan lain.

Sepanjang tempoh ini Negara pada lazimnya akan mengalami keadaan cuaca yang panas dan kering, di mana aktiviti turunan hujan juga berkurangan disebabkan keadaan atmosfera yang stabil. Walau bagimanapun, hujan lebat atau hujan berpetir masih berpotensi berlaku jika terdapat gangguan sementara atmosfera di tahap rendah. Keadaan ini akan menggalakkan pembentukan awan dan seterusnya turunan hujan.

Ramalan am bagi Negara kita sehingga hujung minggu ini...