Brunei Darussalam Monsoon Situation
Brunei Darussalam is currently in the Southwest Monsoon period, where southwesterly wind is still dominant with stable atmospheric conditions.
However, active weather conditions are forecasted for the next few days due to the moist atmospheric conditions that enhanced the development of rain clouds.
Brunei Darussalam Weather Situation
Active weather conditions are expected to begin today (1 July 2023) until Tuesday (4 July 2023) with occasional heavy and thundery showers affecting many areas of the country. Wind speed may reach up to 45 km/h during or near heavy thundershowers.
Over Brunei waters, sea state is generally at slight, between 0.3 to 0.6 meters.
Our Advice...
Keadaan Monsun di Negara Brunei Darussalam
Negara Brunei Darussalam pada masa ini masih berada dalam Monsun Barat Daya, di mana angin Barat Daya masih dominan dan keadaan atmosfera adalah stabil.
Walau bagaimanapun, keadaaan cuaca diramalkan aktif untuk beberapa hari yang akan datang disebabkan oleh keadaan atmosfera lembap dan seterusnya
menyebabkan pembentukan awan-awan hujan yang aktif.
Keadaan Cuaca di Negara Brunei Darussalam
Keadaan cuaca aktif dijangka berlaku bermula pada hari ini (1 Julai 2023) sehingga hari Selasa (4 Julai 2023), dengan hujan lebat berpetir dijangka berlaku sekali-sekala menjejaskan kebanyakan kawasan Negara. Kelajuan angin boleh meningkat sehingga 45 kmsj semasa atau dekat hujan lebat...
Brunei Darussalam will be transitioning from inter-monsoon phase to Southwest Monsoon which is expected to start around the final week of this May. Typically, Southwest Monsoon will persist until September. During Southwest Monsoon, atmospheric conditions over our country tend to be quite stable with minimal thundershowers occurrences.
The wind condition generally will be blowing from the Southwest direction during this period. Southwest Monsoon is also synonym with the season of active development of tropical storm and typhoon systems
over the Northwest Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea. Hence, our country’s weather could be influenced by the presence of these tropical storm or typhoon systems. However, it depends on the distance of their locations from our...
Negara Brunei Darussalam akan beralih dari fasa peralihan monsun ke Monsun Barat Daya yang dijangka akan bermula sekitar minggu terakhir bulan Mei ini. Pada lazimnya Monsun Barat Daya akan berterusan sehingga bulan September. Semasa Monsun Barat Daya, keadaan atmosfera di Negara kita pada kebiasaannya adalah agak stabil dengan kejadian ribut petir yang berkurangan. Keadaan angin secara amnya akan bertiup dari arah Barat Daya semasa tempoh ini.
Monsun Barat Daya juga adalah sinonim dengan musim pembentukan sistem ribut tropika dan taufan di kawasan Barat Laut Lautan Pasifik dan Laut China Selatan. Oleh itu, keadaan cuaca Negara boleh dipengaruhi dengan kehadiran sistem-sistem ribut tropika atau taufan ini. Namun, ianya tertakluk pada jarak lokasi sistem-sistem berkenaan...
1. General Situation:
2. Brunei Darussalam Weather Situation: