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Brunei Darussalam has entered the intermonsoon period which is the transition period after the Southwest Monsoon and before entering the Northeast Monsoon. The intermonsoon period is expected to last until around end of November 2021.

During this period, the local wind effects which are the sea breeze and land breeze play an important role in influencing our country’s daily weather. Our climatological record shows that October, November and December are the months with more frequent thunderstorm activities and receive the highest amount of rainfall and also the highest number of rain days compared to the other months.

Normally, October will receive an average rainfall of 313.6 mm whereas November will receive an average rainfall of 322.9 mm which is the...

Negara Brunei Darussalam kini telah memasuki tempoh peralihan monsun iaitu tempoh peralihan selepas Monsun Barat Daya dan sebelum memasuki Monsun Timur Laut. Tempoh peralihan monsun ini dijangka akan berakhir pada sekitar hujung November 2021.

Sepanjang tempoh ini, kesan angin tempatan iaitu bayu laut (sea breeze) dan bayu darat (land breeze) memainkan peranan penting dalam mempengaruhi cuaca harian negara kita. Berasaskan data klimatologi, bulan Oktober, November dan Disember adalah bulan-bulan di mana kejadian ribut petir lebih kerap berlaku dan menerima jumlah turunan hujan yang lebih banyak, dan juga lebih banyak hari-hari berhujan jika dibandingkan dengan bulan-bulan yang lain.

Pada lazimnya bulan Oktober menerima jumlah purata turunan hujan sebanyak...

Brunei Darussalam Weather Situation:
Brunei Darussalam is still in the Southwest Monsoon season.

Weather in our country is expected to be active starting 27 September 2021 until 29 September 2021 due to active development of rain clouds over our country resulting in the increase of rainfall amount.

Coastal showers and thundershowers over the inland areas are expected in the afternoon, moving out towards the sea at night. Occasional rainy condition is expected to persist until morning. Rain can be heavy at times with wind gust reaching up to 40 km/h.

Over Brunei waters, sea state is slight and expected to reach 1.0 m during showers.

Our Advice:
Members of the public are advised to take note of the risk of flash...

Keadaan Cuaca Brunei Darussalam:
Negara Brunei Darussalam masih berada dalam Monsun Barat Daya.

Cuaca negara dijangka aktif bermula pada 27 September 2021 sehingga 29 September 2021 disebabkan oleh pembentukan awan hujan yang aktif di kawasan negara kita dan seterusnya meningkatkan jumlah turunan hujan.

Hujan di kawasan pesisiran dan hujan berpetir di kawasan pedalaman dijangka berlaku pada waktu petang, kemudian bergerak ke kawasan laut pada waktu malam. Keadaan hujan sekali-sekala dijangka berlanjutan sehingga waktu pagi. Hujan dijangka lebat sekali-sekala dengan kelajuan angin boleh meningkat sehingga 40 kmsj.

Keadaan laut berombak di paras sedikit dan dijangka meningkat sehingga 1.0 m semasa hujan.

Nasihat Kami:

Brunei Darussalam Weather Situation:
Brunei Darussalam is still in the Southwest Monsoon season.

Weather in our country is expected to be active starting today (20 September 2021) until tomorrow (21 September 2021) due to very active development of rain clouds over our country resulting in the increase of rainfall amount.

Therefore, continuous showers are expected to persist and will be affecting the whole country. Occasional heavy showers are expected with wind gust reaching up to 45 km/h over land and up to 60 km/h at sea.

Sea condition with wave height is at moderate to rough state and expected to reach to 2.4 m during showers.

Our Advice:
Members of the public are advised to take note of the high risk of flash...