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Brunei Darussalam has entered the inter-monsoon period and is expected to continue until the end of May or early June. The inter-monsoon period is a transitional period from the Northeast Monsoon to the Southwest Monsoon. During this period, the absence of prevailing monsoonal wind flow has allowed diurnal wind effects to play a role in governing our daily weather.

Throughout this period, the country normally experiences variable light winds during the morning and convective activities during the afternoon resulting in active development of thunderstorm clouds. Weather can be hot during the daytime while thunderstorm occurrences are likely at the inland area during the evening and propagating out to the coastal and sea areas during late night to early morning. Based on...

Negara Brunei Darussalam telah memasuki tempoh peralihan monsun dan dijangka berterusan sehingga akhir bulan Mei atau awal bulan Jun.
Tempoh ini adalah tempoh peralihan dari Monsun Timur Laut ke Monsun Barat Daya. Sepanjang tempoh ini, ketiadaan luruan angin monsun telah membolehkan kesan angin tempatan untuk memainkan peranan dalam mempengaruhi cuaca harian kita.

Sepanjang tempoh ini, negara lazimnya menerima tiupan angin dari pelbagai hala dengan kelajuan yang lemah pad a waktu pagi dan aktiviti perolakan pada waktu petang yang mengakibatkan pembentukan awan ribut petir. Keadaan cuaca cenderung panas semasa waktu siang manakala kejadian ribut petir berpotensi berlaku di kawasan pedalaman pada waktu petang dan merebak ke kawasan pesisiran dan perairan negara pada...

Monday, 1st April 2019 - The Brunei Darussalam Meteorological Department (BDMD), Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications, conducted the fifth National Weather Briefing after the previous briefing regarding Northeast Monsoon period in December 2018. A total of 130 participants from government and private agencies as well as members of the general public attended the briefing which took place at the Garden's Veranda Hall, Rimba Garden Central.

The National Weather Briefing is one of the department's initiative to invoke engagement with different user groups such as those from Safety and First Responders, from the Economy and Industry groups, Constructions, Insurance Companies, Small Medium Enterprise as well as from the Mass Media.

The ultimate goal of...

Isnin, 1st April 2019 - Jabatan Kajicuaca Brunei Darussalam (BDMD), Kementerian Pengangkutan dan Infokomunikasi, telah mengadakan Taklimat Cuaca Kebangsaan buat kali ke lima berikutan taklimat mengenai Monsun Timur Laut yang diberikan pada bulan Disember 2018 yang lalu. Seramai 130 peserta daripada pelbagai agensi kerajaan dan swasta serta orang awam turut hadir mengikuti taklimat tersebut yang diadakan di Garden's Veranda Hall, Rimba Garden Central.

Taklimat Cuaca Kebangsaan adalah merupakan salah satu inisiatif Jabatan Kajicuaca, Kementerian Pengangkutan dan Infokomunikasi dalam usaha meningkatkan penglibatan kumpulan-kumpulan pengguna seperti kumpulan Tindakan Awal dan Keselamatan (Safety and First Responders), kumpulan Ekonomi dan Industri, Pembinaan, Syarikat...

Monday, 1 April 2019 – Brunei Darussalam via the Brunei Darussalam Meteorological Department (BDMD), Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications,
as a member of the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) and as the national meteorological authority, celebrates the World Meteorological Day today.

World Meteorological Day takes place every year on 23 March to celebrate the anniversary of the convention establishing World Meteorological Organization on 23 March 1950. This day also commemorates the essential contribution of all the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services
around the world to the safety and wellbeing of society.

Each year, the celebration focuses on a theme of topical interest chosen especially by the WMO. "The...