1. General Situation:
Brunei Darussalam is currently in the first phase of the Northeast Monsoon, where generally unsettled weather conditions with showers and thunderstorms, heavy at times, are expected especially at night until early morning.
As of 8.00 am local time today (12th December 2022), Tropical Storm PAKHAR was observed at coordinates 20.1°N 129.3°E, at the Western Pacific Ocean, approximately 2,340 km from Brunei Darussalam (Figure 1). Tropical Storm PAKHAR is forecasted to move Northeastwards, away from our country.
2. Negara Brunei Darussalam Weather Situation:
1. Keadaan Secara Am:
Negara Brunei Darussalam sekarang berada di dalam fasa pertama Monsun Timur Laut, di mana pada lazimnya keadaan cuaca tidak menentu dengan hujan lebat atau ribut petir sekali-sekala berlaku pada waktu malam hingga ke awal pagi.
Pada pukul 8.00 pagi waktu tempatan hari ini (12 Disember 2022), Ribut Tropika PAKHAR telah dikesan di koordinat 20.1°N 129.3°E, di kawasan Lautan Pasifik Barat, iaitu sekitar 2,340 km dari Negara Brunei Darussalam (Rajah 1). Ribut Tropika PAKHAR diramalkan akan bergerak ke arah Timur Laut menjauhi negara kita.
2. Keadaan Cuaca Negara Brunei...
General Situation:
Brunei Darussalam is currently in the first phase of the Northeast Monsoon, where generally unsettled weather conditions with showers or thunderstorms, heavy at times, are expected especially at night until early morning.
Brunei Darussalam Weather Situation:
Weather condition over Brunei Darussalam is forecasted to be active starting today, Saturday (10th December 2022) until Tuesday (13th December 2022). This is due to the low pressure near Philippines that cause Southwesterly wind to bring showers, which can be heavy and gusty at times, crossing our country. The influence of Northeasterly surge also enhances the development of rain clouds and thus increases rainfall activity in our country.
Keadaan Secara Am:
Negara Brunei Darussalam sekarang berada di dalam fasa pertama Monsun Timur Laut, di mana pada lazimnya keadaan cuaca tidak menentu dengan hujan lebat atau ribut petir sekali-sekala berlaku pada waktu malam hingga ke awal pagi.
Keadaan Cuaca Negara Brunei Darussalam:
Keadaan cuaca Negara Brunei Darussalam diramalkan aktif bermula hari ini, Sabtu (10 Disember 2022) hingga Selasa (13 Disember 2022) disebabkan oleh pengaruh tekanan rendah berdekatan dengan Filipina yang menyebabkan angin Barat Daya membawa hujan, sekali-sekala lebat dan berangin kencang, melintasi negara kita. Pengaruh luruan angin Timur Laut juga meningkatkan pembentukan awan hujan di Laut China Selatan dan seterusnya meningkatkan aktiviti turunan...
Brunei Darussalam Monsoon Situation
Brunei Darussalam is currently in the first phase of the Northeast Monsoon, where generally unsettled weather conditions with showers and thunderstorms, heavy at times, are expected especially at night until early morning.
Brunei Darussalam Weather Situation
Weather condition over Brunei Darussalam is forecasted to be active starting tomorrow, Tuesday (6th December 2022) until Saturday (10th December 2022). This is due to the combination of influences of Northeasterly surge and low pressure areas over our region, which enhances the development of rain clouds and thus increases rainfall activity in our country.
Wind speed may increase up to 40 km/h during or near heavy showers or...