1. General Weather Situation
Brunei Darussalam is currently in the Southwest Monsoon which will typically persist until September.
During Southwest Monsoon, atmospheric conditions over our country tend to be quite stable with minimal thunderstorms occurrences compared to the inter-monsoon period. The wind condition generally will be blowing from the Southwest direction during this period.
2. Brunei Darussalam Weather Forecast
Weather conditions are forecasted to be active in the next few days starting tomorrow, Thursday (20/06/2024) until Sunday morning (23/06/2024), with occasional heavy gusty showers affecting many areas of the country. Wind speed may reach up to 45 km/h during or near heavy showers.
Over Brunei waters, sea...
1. Keadaan Cuaca Secara Am
Negara Brunei Darussalam pada masa ini berada di dalam Monsun Barat Daya, yang pada lazimnya akan berterusan sehingga bulan September.
Semasa Monsun Barat Daya, keadaan atmosfera di Negara kita pada kebiasaannya adalah agak stabil dengan kejadian ribut petir berkurangan berbanding semasa monsun peralihan. Keadaan angin secara amnya akan bertiup dari arah Barat Daya semasa tempoh ini.
2. Ramalan Keadaan Cuaca Negara Brunei Darussalam
Keadaan cuaca diramalkan aktif bagi beberapa hari yang akan datang mulai esok, Khamis (20/06/2024) sehingga pagi Ahad (23/06/2024), dengan hujan lebat berangin kencang sekali-sekala dijangka menjejaskan kebanyakkan kawasan Negara. Kelajuan angin boleh meningkat sehingga 45 kmsj semasa atau...
1. General Weather Situation
Brunei Darussalam is currently in the Southwest Monsoon which will typically persist until September.
During Southwest Monsoon, atmospheric conditions over our country tend to be quite stable with minimal thunderstorms occurrences compared to the inter-monsoon period. The wind condition generally will be blowing from the Southwest direction during this period.
2. Brunei Darussalam Weather Forecast
Weather conditions are forecasted to be active in the next few days starting tomorrow, Saturday (15 June 2024) until Wednesday (19 June 2024) with occasional heavy thundershowers affecting many areas of the country. Wind speed may reach up to 45 km/h during or near heavy thundershowers.
Over Brunei...
1. Keadaan Cuaca Secara Am
Negara Brunei Darussalam pada masa ini berada di dalam Monsun Barat Daya, yang pada lazimnya akan berterusan sehingga bulan September.
Semasa Monsun Barat Daya, keadaan atmosfera di Negara kita pada kebiasaannya adalah agak stabil dengan kejadian ribut petir berkurangan berbanding semasa monsun peralihan. Keadaan angin secara amnya akan bertiup dari arah Barat Daya semasa tempoh ini.
2. Ramalan Keadaan Cuaca Negara Brunei Darussalam
Keadaan cuaca diramalkan aktif bagi beberapa hari yang akan datang mulai esok, Sabtu (15 Jun 2024) sehingga Rabu (19 Jun 2024), dengan hujan lebat berpetir sekali-sekala dijangka menjejaskan kebanyakkan kawasan Negara. Kelajuan angin boleh meningkat sehingga 45 kmsj semasa atau dekat...
Brunei Darussalam Monsoon Situation
Brunei Darussalam is currently in the Southwest Monsoon which will typically persist until September. During Southwest Monsoon, atmospheric conditions over our country tend to be quite stable with minimal thunderstorms occurrences compared to the inter-monsoon period. The wind condition generally will be blowing from the Southwest direction during this period.
Brunei Darussalam Weather Situation
Weather conditions are forecasted to be active in the next few days. This is due to the development of a low-pressure system near our country that makes the atmosphere unstable, thereby increasing the formation of rain clouds.
Active weather conditions are expected to start tomorrow, Thursday (6th June 2024)...